Their Calendar app requires payment for more than five events.
April 30th: 911 Escort...Any and all are invited to attend the escort of the 911 car.
See Google Group / April minutes for details
May 16th: Camp Valor Poker Run... Need 4 People to work the Finish Stop.
Sign-in to a CVMA sheet to record your attendance. We are also managing the 50/50 drawing.
June / Nationals: Come here to see who is leaving when and from where if you'd like to ride with.
Tiny mentioned that he and Tazer will be leaving June 18th.
June 26th: Two Deligates are needed at the State Meeting. Current volunterrs are Mad Mike and Marine
June 27th: State Meeting Sign-In starts at 8:30, Meeting starts at 10:00.
July 18th: Carrolton Poker Run... Fund Raiser for CVMA 4-5 this year. We make flyers and we keep proceeds.
October ??: 4-5 Camping Weekend @ Knob Noster State Park